Other sources of advice, information and support
Gaining an understanding of the issues affecting you and getting the best advice and support you can will enhance the therapeutic process. The following UK and international charities and organisations may be able to help.
www.relate.org.uk Relationship support
www.mariestopes.org.uk Abortion
www.sexualadviceassociation.co.uk Sexual problems
www.lgbt.foundation Sexuality and gender
www.macmillan.org.uk Cancer support
www.nspcc.org.uk Child welfare
www.childline.org.uk Child welfare
www.sane.org.uk Mental health
www.mind.org.uk Mental health
www.studentminds.org.uk Student mental health
www.depressionalliance.org Depression
www.citizensadvice.org.uk General advice
www.ageuk.org.uk Welfare for the elderly
www.anxietyuk.org.uk Anxiety
www.nopanic.org.uk Anxiety
www.carers.org Carers support
www.addaction.org.uk Drugs and alcohol addiction
www.talktofrank.com Drug related issues
www.drinkaware.co.uk Alcohol information and advice
www.alcoholconcern.org.uk Alcohol concern
www.begambleaware.org Gambling issues
www.gamcare.org.uk Gambling issues
www.britishobesitysociety.org Obesity
www.bddfoundation.org Body Dysmorphic Disorder
www.eating-disorders.org.uk Eating disorders
www.actiononhearingloss.org.uk Hearing loss and Tinnitus
www.tinnitus.org.uk Tinnitus
www.mesupport.co.uk ME/CFS
www.meassociation.org.uk ME/CFS
www.painsupport.co.uk/ Chronic pain
www.debtadvicefoundation.org Debt advice
www.nationaldebtline.org Debt advice
www.shelter.org.uk Housing
www.nhs.uk/smokefree Smoking cessation
www.ash.org.uk Smoking cessation
www.bruxism.org.uk Bruxism
www.bullying.co.uk Bullying
www.victimsupport.org.uk Victim support
www.rapecrisis.org.uk Sexual assault
www.stalkinghelpline.org Harassment or stalking
www.getsafeonline.org Online safety
www.cruse.org.uk Bereavement
www.ssafa.org.uk Armed forces personnel and families
www.britishlegion.org.uk Armed forces personnel and families
www.thedtgroup.org Disability (physical and learning disability)
www.samaritans.org Difficulty coping
www.rightsofwomen.org.uk Support for women
www.befrienders.org Emotional support to prevent suicide worldwide
www.alopecia.org.uk Alopecia Support